SysDO 2024

  • Wann
    Montag 30.09.2024 - Mittwoch 02.10.2024
  • Ort
    University of Stuttgart, Germany
  • Typ
  • Text

    We are happy to announce that the submission system is now open for the Symposium on Systems Theory in Data and Optimization (SysDO) taking place at the University of Stuttgart on Sep 30 – Oct 2, 2024 (

    We welcome contributions in the fields of control, optimization, and learning, and in particular at the intersection of these topics. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to)

        Data-driven control (direct and indirect)
        Uncertainty‑aware sequential decision making
        Control theory for optimization algorithms
        Online learning for optimization and control
        Systems theory in learning

    Two submission categories will be considered:

    - Contributed papers feature new research results and will be published in the official conference proceedings, which will appear in the Springer Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences Proceedings.
    - Extended abstracts contain latest research findings or can be used to disseminate results from a recently submitted/accepted journal publication. The accepted extended abstracts will be distributed to the conference participants, but they will not appear in the official conference proceedings.

    Submission deadline: May 5, 2024.

    Accepted papers/abstracts will be presented at the conference either at a poster session or in a spotlight talk.

    Please see the event’s webpage for further details on the submission process and for additional information, including the outstanding line-up of plenary speakers, the gala dinner to which all SysDO participants are invited, and more.

    Looking forward to seeing many of you in Stuttgart later this year!