SGA Meeting und Preisübergabe Förderpreis 2019
EPFL Lausanne, Laboratoire d'automatique, Route Cantonale, 1015 Lausanne, Building MED 0, Room 1418
15:05 Presentation of the Automatic Control Laboratory (LA)
1. Overview of LA, Prof. Colin Jones
2. Research activities in "Predictive control at extreme scales”, Prof. Colin Jones
3. Research activities in “Dependable control and decision”, Prof. Gianfranco Ferrari-Trecate
4. Research activities in “Data-driven modelling and control”, Dr. Alireza Karimi.
15:45 Time of Flight and Camera Based Sensing
for an Air-Driven Linear Soft Actuator
Peter Werner, Institute for Dynamic Systems and Control, ETH Zürich (Bachelor)
16.10 awards ceremony Bachelor
16.15 Integrated Energy and Emissions Management
of HEV's Aftertreatment System Considerations
Georg Lins, Institute of Dynamic Systems and Control, ETH Zürich (Master)
16.40 awards ceremony Master
16.45 Lab visit, Laboratoire d'automatique
17.15 Apéro and Networking
ca. 18.00 End of the Event